Cells at Work

Cells at Work!: new subtitled trailer for the live-action adaptation of the anime

Cells at Work!” is a bestselling manga series written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu, published in Kodansha’s “Monthly Shonen Sirius.” This innovative series brings to life the inner workings of the human body by personifying the cells, quickly captivating readers and becoming a true hit. With over 10 million copies of the manga in circulation, multiple successful spin-offs, and adaptations into anime and theatre productions, its popularity has soared recently. Now, a unique live-action adaptation is on the way, and we’re thrilled to present the new original-language trailer with English subtitles.

The film stars the talented Mei Nagano as the diligent red blood cell and the charismatic Takeru Satoh as the courageous white blood cell (neutrophil), sharing the spotlight in this dynamic duo. Leading this exciting project is none other than Hideki Takeuchi, the visionary director behind hits like “Fly Me to Saitama” and “Thermae Romae.” The screenplay is by Yuichi Tokunaga, while the action sequences will be brought to life by renowned action director Takahito Ouchi, known for his work on the live-action series “Rurouni Kenshin” and “Yu Yu Hakusho.”

Meet the tiniest heroes ever to hit the big screen… the cells within us! The human body is home to an astonishing 37 trillion cells. Red blood cells tirelessly transport oxygen, white blood cells bravely defend against bacteria, and countless other cells work incessantly to keep you healthy and alive. In December 2024, witness the most epic battle ever fought within the human body. Don’t miss “Cells at Work.” in theatres this December 2024.

Michael Schmidt is a games media writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and gaming culture. He enjoys uncovering the stories behind game development and discussing emerging industry trends. When he's not writing, Michael tests out the latest indie games, attends gaming conventions, and keeps up with advancements in gaming technology. His enthusiasm and curiosity make his work engaging for readers.