Vampire Survivors+

Vampire Survivors: the launch on PlayStation arrives with a live-action trailer

After a good wait, finally today, as Poncle reports, Vampire Survivors is available on all consoles: the only ones missing were those from Sony, and as of August 29, it is possible to purchase the game on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. For the occasion, with the classic irony that characterizes the team led by Luca Galante, a live-action video featuring characters from the game has been released, starting with the elderly Poe (Ratcho), who is particularly fond of garlic. You can watch the video at the bottom of the news.

Let’s remember that Vampire Survivors, one of the pleasant surprises of 2022, is a casual game in gothic horror style with rogue-lite elements, where your choices will allow you to become increasingly powerful and quickly rid yourself of the hundreds of enemies that will oppose you. The game is also fully playable by one to four players in local co-op mode.

On the page of the PlayStation Store, suggestions for getting started have also been provided:

  • Don’t rush to collect gems and items, they don’t disappear.
  • At the beginning, gather two or three offensive weapons, but try to upgrade them one at a time.
  • Armour and luck are great initial upgrades to invest in.
  • Frequently refund upgrades, it’s free and allows you to try others.

You can watch the launch trailer for Vampire Survivors on Sony consoles here, so remember that the game is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and mobile devices, Android and iOS.

Michael Schmidt is a games media writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and gaming culture. He enjoys uncovering the stories behind game development and discussing emerging industry trends. When he's not writing, Michael tests out the latest indie games, attends gaming conventions, and keeps up with advancements in gaming technology. His enthusiasm and curiosity make his work engaging for readers.