The developers have announced that Bye Sweet Carole, the adventure video game that integrates thriller and horror elements, will be released next year. It was initially scheduled for 2024 but has now been postponed to 2025 without a specific release date.
The reason for the postponement, according to the developers themselves, is to improve the gameplay and graphics of the game. In fact, the developers are following the feedback received from users to enhance certain aspects of the game such as: lighting effects, making the game brighter; the user interface; the cutscenes, to make them more consistent with the 2D style used; the gameplay, to increase tension during the adventure. Furthermore, the development team emphasizes that some things are still provisional and that further improvements will be made in the coming months.
For more details, we refer you to the post that has been published on Steam.
Bye Sweet Carole will be released in 2025 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the Steam store.