
Has Payback been canceled by Bungie?

It has been a really tumultuous few days for Bungie, with the firing of as many as 220 employees and the criticism directed at the CEO of the development team. Now it seems that the single-player spin-off of Destiny, internally known by the codename Payback, has been canceled. The game was supposed to be in third-person and set in the same narrative universe as Destiny; however, these are just unconfirmed rumors from the development team and not officially commented on by Sony, so this news should be taken with caution.

As if that weren’t enough, two Bungie veterans seem to have left the company; we can only wait for official announcements from both companies to understand what is really happening and what will happen in the future with the Destiny intellectual property, which seems to be on the verge of disappearing once support for the second chapter ends. What do you think about the situation? What do the two CEOs of Sony have in mind for the future of this historic software house? Are you still playing Destiny 2, or have you shifted your attention to other productions of the same genre? What do you expect in the future from the intellectual property? Would you like a Destiny 3, or would you prefer a new IP, perhaps completely single-player and story-driven? It’s unfortunate to learn about the cancellation of a project that seemed so interesting on paper as Payback.

David Maier is a games media author who loves exploring virtual worlds and sharing his thoughts on the latest gaming trends.