Awaiting the first episode of Echoes for Destiny 2, the developer Bungie has released a new trailer highlighting the story of Act 2. Along with other skirmishes against the Vex, it teases a meeting with the mysterious Conductor. Act 2 introduces three new Battlegrounds on Nessus, from the surface to the depths with cascading radiolarian waterfalls. Take a look below.
Players can unlock two new weapons: Aberrant Action, a solar rocket sidearm that should provide a viable alternative to The Call, and Corrasion, an arc pulse rifle. New Artifact Perks are also on the way, allowing for precise hits with solar snipers to burn targets and ignitions to deal more damage over a wider area. There will also be new balance adjustments and bug fixes when Act 2 launches, so stay tuned for the complete patch notes.
Below is an overview of Destiny 2:
There exists a place where eternity is being torn apart. A landscape whose fabric unravels and, like an echo, reflects the deeds of our past. Survive this chimerical place and uncover what lies at the root of this war. Three companions walking three paths. Paths interwoven in the fabric of our identities, granting us a timeless power. Today, that power grows.
Within the Traveler
Repel the corruption that has compromised the purity of this mysterious landscape.
New raid
To all guardians. The time has come to face the Witness.
Key to the dungeons of The Ultimate Form
New challenges with top-tier rewards await annual Pass holders. Unlock two dungeons in the year of The Ultimate Form.
Destiny 2 is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. Stay tuned for more information.