
Fabledom: date announced for the console release

Dear Villagers announced, via a video on their YouTube channel, the release date of Fabledom for the console version.

This title is an accessible city builder, with simple and intuitive gameplay, that still offers an interesting challenge even for more experienced players thanks to different difficulty levels. Set in a whimsical world where fairy tales come to life, the game allows players to witness the growth of a village, follow the lives of the citizens, and observe the relationships that develop with neighbouring kingdoms. Players can find land to settle and create a large settlement, utilizing every available resource to expand and thrive.

The game offers immersion in an enchanted world, populated by fantastic creatures such as flying pigs, giants, and gnomes. Every corner of this magical kingdom can be explored, but one must be cautious of witches and the fearsome dragon, to prevent their kingdom from being destroyed and becoming a warning to others.

Fabledom will be released on September 12, 2024 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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Michael Schmidt is a games media writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of technology and gaming culture. He enjoys uncovering the stories behind game development and discussing emerging industry trends. When he's not writing, Michael tests out the latest indie games, attends gaming conventions, and keeps up with advancements in gaming technology. His enthusiasm and curiosity make his work engaging for readers.