On August 29, exclusively on Netflix, an anticipated anime series arrives: Terminator Zero, a natural spin-off of the legendary franchise, and today we present you with a special sneak peek. The cast of the series includes, we remind you, Timothy Olyphant, Rosario Dawson, Sonoya Mizuno, André Holland & Ann Dowd.
2022: In the future, the few surviving humans have fought for decades against an unquenchable army of machines.
1997: After gaining self-awareness, the artificial intelligence Skynet declares war on humanity.
Caught between the past and the future, a soldier is sent back in time to change the fate of humanity. She arrives in 1997 to protect scientist Malcolm Lee, who is preparing to launch an AI system capable of countering Skynet’s imminent attack on humanity. While exploring the complex morality of his creation, Malcolm is pursued by an unrelenting assassin from the future who will forever change the fate of his three children.
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