VGMag Logo Officially Live!

We’re excited to announce that and are officially live! We’ve been working over the past weeks to bring existing stories from our parent magazine to an English audience, and we’re just getting started! Here’s the official announcement:

Rome/Nuremberg – August 16, 2024 – The renowned Italian Vigamus Group is launching the internationalisation of its gaming and entertainment website, which was launched in Italy four months ago, and is launching in Germany and the UK just in time for gamescom.

The experienced editorial team under the leadership of Domenico De Rosa, Head of the Editorial Content Division, succeeded in reaching over 180 thousand unique readers shortly after kicking off the online magazine, with an appealing mix of news, reviews, guides and specials centered around all things games, films, anime, and hardware. ‘We are overwhelmed by the great start of and are convinced that the unique editorial concept will also find its fans in German and English,’ explains Hans Ippisch, Head of Vgmag Network.

Just in time for the Gamescom 2024, and are launching the German and English versions of the successful magazine with daily news, reviews, guides and specials.

Specialized Editorial Teams have been organized to localize the content to the local markets and supplement it with their own stories.

About Vigamus Group

Vigamus Group is a leading company in Italy active in the Games Industry for 20 years, managing different assets focused on the synergy between culture, games and education. Vigamus was created in 2012 with the foundation of VIGAMUS – The Video Game Museum of Rome, recognized by the Ministry of Culture. Vigamus is also among the founders of EFGAMP –  European Federation of Video Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects.

The Video Game Museum, together with Vigamus Academy, the Education & Learning Division of Vigamus Group, constitute a multifunctional center spreading awareness on the cultural and educational potential of interactive works. The Education Department was founded in 2014 and includes University curricula in partnership with Link University vertical on the Games Industry and specialization courses focused on Game Design & Development, 3D Graphics & Animation, Sound Design and Video Game Localization, through the establishment of GLOS – Games Localization School.

Vigamus Group is also a leader in the field of event management, from the organization of IVDC (the Italian Video Game Developers Conference) from 2008 to 2012, to the international event of Game Rome from 2016 to 2019, since 2023 manages Checkpoint – Festival of Interactive Works of Rome.

Among its assets Vigamus Group also counts different specialized press services for the Games Industry: the specialized press website and V – the monthly magazine about video game criticism.

VGMag Logo

We hope you’re excited as we are to bring this venture into English and we hope you’ll stick around and check out more exciting news, all things gaming at