The anime adaptation of The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World is about to make its debut. A new isekai is about to arrive on the small screen and, in conjunction with the announcement of the official release date, set for January 2025, new information about the anime has been released. The animated project is based on the manga by Koyoshi Nakayoshi, published on MangaUP!. The animation adaptation is being handled by the studio Satelight and includes notable personalities, such as Keiichiro Kawaguch, Atsuhiro Tomioka, Shuji Maruyama, and Koichiro Kameyama. The new trailer highlights that stylistically classic products and will be broadcast by Crunchyroll, as previously mentioned, during the upcoming winter season.
Here is the official synopsis of The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World: Asagaki Togo was the Red Ranger of a heroic Ranger team. During the final battle against the most powerful evil organization, he is heavily defeated and resigned to, well, die… But he is reborn in a totally different world. He willingly accepts his new role as an adventurer and transforms into Kizuna Red, continuing his quest for justice, helping those in need. Get ready for an heroic story of a Ranger who becomes the protector of another world!